Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Event: Snoqualmie 2016

The weekend of August 13-14 saw another large WCWA reenactment, this time at Meadowbrook Farm between Snoqualmie and North Bend.  The weather was more accommodating this year, in that the event did not have to cancelled after one day.  The Field Hospital and USAS Relief Station were particularly busy countering the discomfort of the hot day, but  no micro-bursts tore through the camp.

WCWA Snoqualmie Reenactment 2016 4th US USAS
Mesdames Smith and Dories work diligently to supply the soldiers
with refreshing lemonade and pickles.

WCWA Snoqualmie Reenactment 2016 4th US Field Hospital
Steward and Nurse Keyes tended many soldiers
affected by the afternoon heat.

WCWA Snoqualmie Reenactment 2016 4th US Fly
Messers Talbot and Hicks relax after battle.

WCWA Snoqualmie Reenactment 2016 4th US Soldiers
Reliable sources indicate that Private Walker is looking forward
to taking up arms against the rebellion.

WCWA Snoqualmie Reenactment 2016 4th US Command Fly
Captain Jones and Mr. Ostrander at the Company Command

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